Vehicle Repair Process:
Reporting the Claim
The customer reports the claim to the insurance company, and the claim number is assigned.
Contact C.D.E. Collision Damage Experts
We receive an assignment from the insurance company or a copy of the estimate. The vehicle can be immediately scheduled or dropped off for repairs.
Alternate Transportation Provided
We will gladly assist in getting you into a rental vehicle. If a rental is not necessary, free pickup and delivery is available.
Vehicle Pre-Wash and Inspection
Prior to disassembly and damage analysis, the vehicle is prewashed so that all damage, whether claim related or prior, can be identified and assessed.
Vehicle Disassembly and Damage Analysis (Blueprinting)
Vehicle is completely disassembled so that all impact damage can be identified. The estimate is completed and all the parts are ordered. The repairs can begin.
Structural Repairs
Our state of the art laser measuring systems provides an accurate measurement of the vehicle to identify any structural damage. The vehicle is monitored through a computer terminal and the information is displayed for the technician. The vehicle is returned to its factory specifications, which ensures that you have a safe vehicle after the repair.
Body Repairs
After removing the vehicle from the structural repair center, sheet metal repair and replacement operations are performed.
Vehicle Refinishing
All panels that will need to be refinished go through a very thorough preparation process. Waterborne paint is applied in our heated downdraft spray booths. When the vehicle is thoroughly dried, it is polished as needed to match the original factory finish and texture.
The vehicle then goes into reassembly to have trim, such as door handles and moldings, reinstalled.
Quality Control Inspection
Each area is closely inspected for fit and finish, and color matching to ensure that all work was properly completed. All repair and refinish work is audited line by line with final estimate.
The vehicle is cleaned thoroughly inside and out to ensure any and all dust or residue creating during the repair process is removed.
*Complete detail available upon request
Customer Contact
The customer is updated during the repair process to keep them informed as to the status of the repairs, as well as final notification upon completion. Let us know how you would like to be updated; Email, Text Message, or Phone Call!

At C.D.E. your 100% satisfaction means everything to us! We have hired a third party to survey our customers approximately one week after delivery. We strive for 100% satisfaction and look for your insight as to how we performed, and how we can improve.
Paintless Dent Repair (PDR) is a process of repairing small dents without having to repaint your vehicle. This process can be a cost effective way to repair small dents. PDR will not damage the finish on your vehicle. A skilled technician slowly pushes the dent out from the inside of the dented panel. The results are remarkable, and your vehicle shows no sign that the dent was even there. Once a dent has been properly removed using PDR, it never comes back.
Today’s paints are very flexible, but not all dents can be fixed using PDR. Some dents may be too severe for PDR to be effective. Let our estimators examine your vehicle and help you determine whether or not PDR is right for you.
Utilizing the latest refinishing systems and computerized color matching, our paint technicians can provide your vehicle with the same quality baked finish as the factory. All of our paint work is backed by a limited lifetime warranty for as long as you own your vehicle..